About Me

The Burgh, PA, United States
I am a junior at cityhigh. I am the oldest of 9 children, 5 girls and 4 boys

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Foundation Questions:

What is Physical Abuse?
What are some of the signs of physically abuse?
What are the agencies that are trying to prevent it?
What gender is usually abused?
What is the typical age of the abused victims?
What is the typical age of the abuser?
What are the laws around abuse?
What is the punishment for the abuser?
Why don’t the victims fight back?
Why do abusers abuse children?
How many times per year does physical abuse appear in the United States?
How many times per year does physical abuse appear around the world?
What is the youngest age for a child to be abuse in the U.S.?
What is the youngest age for a child to be abuse around the world?
How can I help prevent physical towards friends and family members?
What is being done in the U.S. and around the world to help put a stop to physical abused?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Today, I was to get a lot of work done and get caught up in class. I have posted my vocabulary and foundation questions on my blog.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Guest What!

Today I have finally choosing a topic for my gradproject. I want to do abused toward children and teens. I have done some research and had learn a lot about abused and how there is many different types of abused towards children in the United States and arould the world.
The types of abused I will like to do my gradprojects on are sexaully and physical abused toward children

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

GradProject Questions

I have learned alot about gradprojects, at cityhigh. My cousin, who graduate last year, told me that cityhigh gradproject are a little harder then regular school because everyone wants you to do well and pass with a B or higher. Cityhigh give there student more time to start working on there gradproject, unlike some of the pittsburgh public school.

I have though about my gradproject, and i want to learn more about abused towards women and children becasue i lost a really close friend to abused. I also want to learn why do some of this women leave get help but the a month later they are right back where they have started. So i want to do my gradproject on abused toward women and children i just don't know what type of abused i want to do my project on because this is a really big field and i have to learn alot before i can determine what i want to do.